We had heard a lot of intense things about India before our arrival, so we didn’t quite know what to expect. Overall most people liked the place, but no review of the country was without some obvious cautions. Some of the most common warnings we heard had to do with lack of personal space on a daily basis, the general dirt and filth of the streets and public spaces, the fact that you are being stared at by someone at all times, and the glaring and depressing poverty. Someone once told me that India stands for I’d Never Do It Again. Wow, what were we getting ourselves into?!?
Despite all of these warnings, our arrival to the Indian sub-continent was actually quite smooth. Delhi, known as an overwhelming big city that most people try to get in and out of as fast as possible, turned out to be a place we rather enjoyed, thanks to an old friend. Sasank is a friend from high school who learned of our round-the-world trip via Facebook. He saw our travels were taking us to India and he invited us to stay with him. No, we hadn’t seen him since high school graduation, nor had we emailed or spoke on the phone, but that didn’t stop him from offering us a gracious invitation and didn’t stop us from happily accepting. It was great to catch up after all these years – in no time we felt like we’d been in touch all along. He was an amazing host and a wealth of information about the city, Indian culture, religion, food menus, and more. AND he’s got a sweet pad in a cool area of the city, complete with full-time domestic help – a super nice guy named James. James whipped us up breakfast, did our laundry, and made the most delicious chai in India. Delhi”s not so bad…
A huge thank you to Sasank and his roommate Brian for hosting us twice as we toured the country, and for telling James to take care of us!
June 29th, 2011 on 10:14 am
yeah! to seeing old friends again. Was great to see the two of you and I’ll be sure to show the post to James, I’m sure he’ll love it. Like we said, hopefully it’ll be less than 12 years next time.